CDE | Change Directory Easy
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A command prompt utility with a Windows GUI.
Store alias' and paths for easy navigation.
CDE makes folder navigation MUCH faster when you go to the same folders frequently.

Command Line Operation...

Or "cde" to use the GUI...
Maintain your catalog or Select and Go

cde.bat and cde_app.exe need to be placed in your PATH.
I use a folder for utils/tools like this. I have it in the path, so I just drop them in. An old DOS habit.
CDE will automatically create cde_app.dat and cde_out.bat
cde_app.dat is the CDE data store (XML format).
Updating CDE:
CDE won't automatically update. You decide if/when it reaches out.
Check for an updated version from the Info UI

For our linux needs, a python version has been started. I'm working out the details. The concept will likely match this .Net version, requiring two executable .sh files: cde and cde_out (on Windows they're two bat files). cde_out is rewritten with each execution and executed when the application exits.

The original version was written in the early-mid 90's using Clipper. It served it's purpose very well for years, then sat unused for a decade+. Recently, work with linux and containers (Docker, etc.) has meant a return to command prompt/shell based work. Windows outgrew the original version and linux has entered the mix, so new/viable versions seemed appropriate.